Fire Safety

Fire prevention and safety is vitally important

A recent study revealed that each year more than 5,000 Americans die and more than 25,000 are injured in fires, many of which could have been prevented. Being educated and prepared is key to being able to prevent home fires and their deadly, costly consequences:

  • Per capita, the U.S. has one of the highest fire death rates in the industrialized world.
  • Children under age 5 are at serious risk of being killed in a fire.
  • About 25% of the fires that kill young children are started by children playing with fire.
  • In 2015, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated 1,345,500 fires. These fires caused 3,280 civilian deaths and 15,700 civilian injuries. In the same year, 68 firefighters were fatally injured and 68,085 firefighters experienced non-fatal injuries while on duty.
  • On average, U.S. fire departments responded to:
    • A fire every 23 seconds
    • A structure fire every 63 seconds
    • A home fire every 86 seconds
    • An outside or unclassified fire every 52 seconds
    • On average, fire claimed nine lives every day.
  • A visit to the Cincinnati Fire Museum has direct bearing on fire-related health risks and their prevention.

The below videos have been produced by the Cincinnati Fire Museum in conjunction with the Cincinnati Fire Department, Science Around Cincy, and other notable local institutions, such as the Cincinnati Zoo.

SAC Chemistry of Fire

Chemistry of Fire

SAC Flashover



Another issue that plagues individuals is mesothelioma, a cancer caused by asbestos exposure. Since many older homes and buildings contain asbestos, exposure to contaminated air can put firefighters, first responders, contractors, even homeowners and kids at risk for cancer and other illnesses, and the environment at risk for being polluted for years. Further, about 30% of diagnosed cases of mesothelioma are in Veterans due to the former widespread use of asbestos in the military. Our website seeks to provide information and assistance to those who are in need of support. It includes veteran-specific assistance while also taking a deep dive into topics like treatment and emerging medicine, while thoroughly covering complementary medicine, counseling and occupational safety. For more information about what you can do to keep yourself safe, visit